Solar Inverters Solar Panels

Advantage & Disadvantages For Solar Energy in Brisbane

Solar Energy

Brisbane is one of the sunniest cities in Australia. It enjoys nearly 283 sunny days in a year. This makes it a great city to use solar energy. You can install a solar energy plant with solar panels on your terrace. You can use the solar energy generated to power you’re home. It will help you save money on your power bills. There are many advantages of solar energy in Brisbane. This includes the following:

  1. Energy bills are soaring. In the years to come, prices are likely to increase. This is why using solar is the way ahead. The energy from the sun is renewable. For a sustainable future solar energy is what is needed.
  2. Solar energy can help power a home throughout the day. The power can be stored in a battery and used to take care of the power needs of a home for 24 hours.
  3. Extra power generated can be sent to the electric grid to earn money.
  4. The government gives subsidies to people who use solar power.
  5. Maintaining a solar power system is easy. Most systems are low-maintenance. The inverters usually have a ten-year warranty and you can expect trouble-free performance.

There are many advantages of solar energy in Brisbane. At the same time, there are a few disadvantages you need to be aware of:

  • Approximately 80 days a year in Brisbane would be dark and cloudy. Solar energy cannot be used on those days.
  • The costs of a solar power system and an inverter are substantial. This is an investment that needs to be made.
  • It requires space on the terrace to install solar panels. This will take up all the space on a terrace

As can be seen, the advantages of solar energy outweigh the disadvantages. A city like Brisbane is the right place to use solar energy. It is an investment worth making and you can get returns on your investment very quickly. Get a system that is CEC approved and you can get a subsidy from the government that will help you reduce costs.

Solar Panels

How to Find the Best Solar Power System For Home?

A solar power system would have solar panels on a roof and an inverter that stores power in the form of electric current. You can use the solar power generated to run all the electrical appliances in your home and save your power bill. You will need the best solar power system so that you can get maximum benefits from it. You can follow the guidelines given below to find the best system:

  1. The first thing to do is to decide the size of the system needed. This depends on how many people stay in your home and your electricity utilization. On average, a system of 5kW should take care of the needs of most homes.
  2. The solar panels installed on your roof depend on the space availability and your power generation needs. You can use panels of higher capacity to generate more power using lesser space.
  3. You will want a solar power system that is reliable and offers trouble-free maintenance. Go with any of the top brands to ensure you get the best system on offer. Check out reviews of the brand and talk to people who have used the system before you decide.
  4. Check the warranty offered by the seller. Prefer systems with warranties of more than ten years.
  5. Ensure that the panels are as per international standards. Clean Energy Council approval is a must if you want to enjoy the benefits of solar power.
  6. Buy a good quality solar inverter with long warranty duration. This ensures your power generation happens smoothly.
  7. Calculate the payback time to help you decide the cost-effectiveness of your system. Get an estimate from the seller and calculate all expenses needed. Then calculate the savings on your power bill to get an idea of how cost-effective it is. On average you need anywhere from two to five years for your solar system to start paying for itself. Remember that you can sell excess power generated to the grid.

Keeping these tips in mind will help you find the best solar system that can help you save on your power bills.


3 Benefits of Solar Energy for Climate Change

One of the replenishable sources of energy, present in plenty all around us, solar energy is a game-changer. The reason why we haven’t taken to this source of power, in a big way, is puzzling.

1. It is Free!

That is right, and this is something we cannot say of any other power source. We have a continuous supply of the sun’s energy, and all we have to do is harness it well. Use a solar power installation provider with CEC accredited solar installers, and you will not go wrong.

Why should you wait when you get something free? The cost of installation will pay itself back soon, and then onwards, you enjoy free power. Now, that is something to smile over.

2. It is Non-Polluting

There are no by-products except for the panels that have a life of over 20 years. If you pay attention to the proper disposal of these panels, you have pollution-free power for 20 or more years from your first installation. Do you care about the environment? Start contributing today by changing to solar power for your home and office. It does not smoke, and it does not make any noise.

3. It helps Reduce Carbon Dioxide in the Atmosphere

The most important chemical is carbon dioxide, an essential component in the life cycle of plants and other organisms. They use carbon dioxide and water from the air to prepare carbohydrates for consumption. It is also responsible for global warming, a process that is now threatening life everywhere. Switching to solar power will help reduce carbon dioxide and stop global warming.

Even now, it is not too late. If we put in some more effort, we could discover more efficient chips and panels that will give us higher efficiency and greater power at a lower cost. It is not too late to start when we begin to change at an individual level, it will create the needed impetus to trigger a global change.