
Easy Tips To Clean Solar Panels in Brisbane

If you are in Brisbane and own solar panels, then you need to maintain them well. With proper maintenance, you can extend the life of the panels and ensure it works well. Cleaning solar panels is important to maintain them. The following are some easy tips to clean solar panels:

  • You can either do the cleaning yourself or take the help of professionals for the best result.
  • The best way of cleaning a panel is to use plain water to clean. This will help remove bird droppings, dust grime, and dirt. It is important to use a non-abrasive cloth or sponge so it doesn’t cause scratches.
  • If there is a lot of dirt or bird droppings, you may need more intensive cleaning. In such a case, use a mild detergent to help loosen the grime on the panel.
  • You can use a gardening hose to wash the solar panels. Use a sponge if grime or dirt is stuck to the panel, else watering with a hose should be sufficient. Don’t use a pressure washer as the high pressure can damage the panel.
  • If your roof is not accessible by stairs, then you need to take safety measures like a harness rope and a helmet.
  • Some panels have a special coating on them that can prevent grime and dust settle on the surface. Such types of panels don’t require too much cleaning.
  • A solar panel that is not cleaned well can cause energy loss of up to 20% per annum. This is why you need to clean the panel regularly.
  • If you can reach the panels from ground level or from a balcony, use a long handled squeegee with a plastic blade to clean the panels. This will avoid the need to climb the roof.
  • It is best to do the cleaning early morning since dew on the panels would have made the dirt and bird droppings soft allowing them to be removed easily.

The tips mentioned in this article will help you clean your solar panels effectively so that it is maintained well.

Solar Panels

How to Avoid solar scammers in Brisbane?

Solar scammers are those who try to take advantage of the demand for solar systems by scamming and cheating people. Solar scammers can include individuals who try to scam people out of their money. There are even companies who are fly-by-night operators who cheat people by offering sub-standard solar panels and systems or even take the money and fail to complete the installation. While buying a solar system, it is important to be aware of scammers. This will ensure people don’t get scammed and only buy from authentic sources.

The following is information about solar scammers in Brisbane you need to be aware of:

  • Scammers either call or visit homes claiming to have a special offer on solar systems. They may ask for money in advance and try to pressurize homeowners to make an immediate decision.
  • Some scammers can even pose as government officials claiming that they will help the homeowner get a rebate from the government or subsidy. They ask for bank details or may ask for a fee for processing of the grant. This is a scam since the government does not send its representatives nor do they ask for money.
  • Scammers can also claim to represent a solar system company. They ask for permission to advertise by placing signs and in return would offer a heavily discounted solar system. They can ask for an advance payment or deposit and if paid would never return.
  • There are even cases of companies offering extended warranty for free. Many homeowners can get lured by this promise and pay a deposit amount, which they will never get back.
  • There are even cases of companies installing solar systems after taking payment but delivering low quality systems with poor installation work. A CEC study revealed that nearly 30% of all installations done were substandard. This makes it all the more important to buy from reputed companies so that the solar system would be a quality product with quality installation.

The information in this article should have helped you understand the need to be alert while buying a solar system. This will help you avoid being scammed.

Solar Panels

How to Get the Best Solar Panel in Sydney?

Sydney is a city that has a sufficient number of sunny days every year. This makes it ideal to use solar power to generate electricity thus saving on energy bills. If you have space on your terrace, you can get a solar panel installed to convert the sun’s energy into electric current. Many people are installing solar panels, as this is a sustainable way of generating power. You can also sell back extra power generated to the grid. You need to ensure you get the best quality solar panels so that you reap the complete benefits of solar energy.

The following are some guidelines to help you get the best solar panel in Sydney:

  1. Decide the capacity of the panels needed. This depends on your energy needs. The number of panels you need depends on the panel size and how much power it can capture.
  2. Understand the costing. A solar system including the panels would cost around $5100 for a 5 kW system, which is sufficient for most households.
  3. You need to see the space on your terrace. The panels need to be installed facing north to ensure they work to the fullest capacity.There should be no trees or power lines that shade the roof.
  4. You need to buy an inverter that converts DC power into AC power for use in your home. You can even have a battery to store the power generated. This allows you to use solar power at night.
  5. When you buy the panel, make sure it is CEC approved so you are eligible for the incentives.
  6. Compare prices offered by different companies. Check out the specifications offered and then decide. Do not go only with low price; look for price and specifications.
  7. Lastly, check for the warranty offered. A 10-year warranty is standard. You can look at companies that offer 12 or 15 year warranty so you have trouble-free usage of the panels.

The guidelines given in this article will help you in choosing solar panels for your home. Get the best solar panel and start saving on your energy bill.

Solar Inverters Solar Panels

Advantage & Disadvantages For Solar Energy in Brisbane

Solar Energy

Brisbane is one of the sunniest cities in Australia. It enjoys nearly 283 sunny days in a year. This makes it a great city to use solar energy. You can install a solar energy plant with solar panels on your terrace. You can use the solar energy generated to power you’re home. It will help you save money on your power bills. There are many advantages of solar energy in Brisbane. This includes the following:

  1. Energy bills are soaring. In the years to come, prices are likely to increase. This is why using solar is the way ahead. The energy from the sun is renewable. For a sustainable future solar energy is what is needed.
  2. Solar energy can help power a home throughout the day. The power can be stored in a battery and used to take care of the power needs of a home for 24 hours.
  3. Extra power generated can be sent to the electric grid to earn money.
  4. The government gives subsidies to people who use solar power.
  5. Maintaining a solar power system is easy. Most systems are low-maintenance. The inverters usually have a ten-year warranty and you can expect trouble-free performance.

There are many advantages of solar energy in Brisbane. At the same time, there are a few disadvantages you need to be aware of:

  • Approximately 80 days a year in Brisbane would be dark and cloudy. Solar energy cannot be used on those days.
  • The costs of a solar power system and an inverter are substantial. This is an investment that needs to be made.
  • It requires space on the terrace to install solar panels. This will take up all the space on a terrace

As can be seen, the advantages of solar energy outweigh the disadvantages. A city like Brisbane is the right place to use solar energy. It is an investment worth making and you can get returns on your investment very quickly. Get a system that is CEC approved and you can get a subsidy from the government that will help you reduce costs.

Solar Inverters

How to Choose the Best Solar Power Inverter

Improve the efficiency of your house and reduce electricity costs using solar power inverters. The choice of the inverter brand makes a difference because of the wide range of options on quality, insurance protection, pricing, and support. And, you can opt for an online or off-grid option while doing the solar power installation.

Quality of Product and Workmanship

One must check that the product meets the CEC requirements first. This ensures the quality and tells you that it will last for years and it will perform well. The skilled set of workers install your product in the best way. They look for the orientation towards the sun and make the best use of the available roof space.

You can get many kinds of solar panels and power inverters. Aiming for 95% conversion helps you get your money’s worth. The inverter keeps your AC appliances working well. It is an integral part of the system because your home appliances work only with AC power. Choose the best inverter after consultation with your local supplier.

Competitive Pricing of Solar Panels

Mid-range price with excellent value helps one make the best choice among available brands. The use of a standard option keeps costs down while optimizing energy efficiency. The use of micro-inverters fixed to each solar panel will help you if you look for a grid-tied option. They have a long life and are easy to install. Though they are not the cheapest option, they have flexible array options and are shade tolerant.

Buy the Latest from the Best

Intelligent home features that have plug and play interfaces are available today. These inverters have easy installation and setup procedures. They can withstand indoor and outdoor conditions because of their all-weather casing and natural convection cooling system. Get a free assessment done today by calling the service provider. You can use their professional services to install your solar power system for your home or office.

Solar Panels

How to Find the Best Solar Power System For Home?

A solar power system would have solar panels on a roof and an inverter that stores power in the form of electric current. You can use the solar power generated to run all the electrical appliances in your home and save your power bill. You will need the best solar power system so that you can get maximum benefits from it. You can follow the guidelines given below to find the best system:

  1. The first thing to do is to decide the size of the system needed. This depends on how many people stay in your home and your electricity utilization. On average, a system of 5kW should take care of the needs of most homes.
  2. The solar panels installed on your roof depend on the space availability and your power generation needs. You can use panels of higher capacity to generate more power using lesser space.
  3. You will want a solar power system that is reliable and offers trouble-free maintenance. Go with any of the top brands to ensure you get the best system on offer. Check out reviews of the brand and talk to people who have used the system before you decide.
  4. Check the warranty offered by the seller. Prefer systems with warranties of more than ten years.
  5. Ensure that the panels are as per international standards. Clean Energy Council approval is a must if you want to enjoy the benefits of solar power.
  6. Buy a good quality solar inverter with long warranty duration. This ensures your power generation happens smoothly.
  7. Calculate the payback time to help you decide the cost-effectiveness of your system. Get an estimate from the seller and calculate all expenses needed. Then calculate the savings on your power bill to get an idea of how cost-effective it is. On average you need anywhere from two to five years for your solar system to start paying for itself. Remember that you can sell excess power generated to the grid.

Keeping these tips in mind will help you find the best solar system that can help you save on your power bills.

Solar Inverters

Tips to Find the Best Solar Power Inverter For Home

A solar power inverter is a handy device to have at home. It connects to the solar panel that you have on your terrace. It converts solar power into electrical current that you can use to power your home. It helps save your current bill and is a sustainable way of generating power. You need to buy the best solar power inverter for your home. These tips will help you with this:

  1. Choose the inverter belonging to a reputed brand. You will be assured of quality and reliability when you go with a well-known brand.
  2. Look if the inverter is on the Clean Energy Council’s approved list. This helps you get a subsidy. This is also a requirement to connect the inverter to the grid.
  3. Check out the reviews of the inverter online. Look for genuine reviews about the product and about the service offered.
  4. Check if the manufacturer is offering a warranty for at least up to 10 years. This is needed since the solar power inverter has a fairly long life.
  5. You should ideally get an expandable inverter. If you are planning to expand your system, then it is better to get an inverter thatcan be easily expanded when you need it.
  6. It is advisable to get an inverter with a display. This allows you to get data about energy generated using the system. You can look for an inverter that uses Bluetooth or internet connectivity so you can access it on your PC or mobile phone.
  7. Decide the type of inverter based on your needs. A string inverter should be ideal for most homes.

Following the tips given above will help you get the best solar power inverter to help save your energy bills.


3 Benefits of Solar Energy for Climate Change

One of the replenishable sources of energy, present in plenty all around us, solar energy is a game-changer. The reason why we haven’t taken to this source of power, in a big way, is puzzling.

1. It is Free!

That is right, and this is something we cannot say of any other power source. We have a continuous supply of the sun’s energy, and all we have to do is harness it well. Use a solar power installation provider with CEC accredited solar installers, and you will not go wrong.

Why should you wait when you get something free? The cost of installation will pay itself back soon, and then onwards, you enjoy free power. Now, that is something to smile over.

2. It is Non-Polluting

There are no by-products except for the panels that have a life of over 20 years. If you pay attention to the proper disposal of these panels, you have pollution-free power for 20 or more years from your first installation. Do you care about the environment? Start contributing today by changing to solar power for your home and office. It does not smoke, and it does not make any noise.

3. It helps Reduce Carbon Dioxide in the Atmosphere

The most important chemical is carbon dioxide, an essential component in the life cycle of plants and other organisms. They use carbon dioxide and water from the air to prepare carbohydrates for consumption. It is also responsible for global warming, a process that is now threatening life everywhere. Switching to solar power will help reduce carbon dioxide and stop global warming.

Even now, it is not too late. If we put in some more effort, we could discover more efficient chips and panels that will give us higher efficiency and greater power at a lower cost. It is not too late to start when we begin to change at an individual level, it will create the needed impetus to trigger a global change.


How to Choose the Best Solar Power Inverter

Solar Invertrt

Improve the efficiency of your house and reduce electricity costs using solar power inverters. The choice of the inverter brand makes a difference because of the wide range of options on quality, insurance protection, pricing, and support. And, you can opt for an online or off-grid option while doing the solar power installation.

Quality of Product and Workmanship

One must check that the product meets the CEC requirements first. This ensures the quality and tells you that it will last for years and it will perform well. The skilled set of workers install your product in the best way. They look for the orientation towards the sun and make the best use of the available roof space.

You can get many kinds of solar panels and power inverters. Aiming for 95% conversion helps you get your money’s worth. The inverter keeps your AC appliances working well. It is an integral part of the system because your home appliances work only with AC power. Choose the best inverter after consultation with your local supplier.

Competitive Pricing of Solar Panels

Mid-range price with excellent value helps one make the best choice among available brands. The use of a standard option keeps costs down while optimizing energy efficiency. The use of micro-inverters fixed to each solar panel will help you if you look for a grid-tied option. They have a long life and are easy to install. Though they are not the cheapest option, they have flexible array options and are shade tolerant.

Buy the Latest from the Best

Intelligent home features that have plug and play interfaces are available today. These inverters have easy installation and setup procedures. They can withstand indoor and outdoor conditions because of their all-weather casing and natural convection cooling system. Get a free assessment done today by calling the service provider. You can use their professional services to install your solar power system for your home or office.

Solar Panels

Find the Best Solar Panel System for Your Home

Changes are imminent everywhere we go but do we need them? If they result in money, stability, or increased convenience we should go forward. This is the underlying principle behind the decision to back solar power technology. More and more houses are turning to solar power to supplement their regular electric power these days.

Free Assessment of Needs and Reasonable Pricing

A good service provider will give a free assessment of the power needs of your house or office. You can check whether their pricing is low or not before you begin to fix the details. Your solar panel requirements will depend on the assessment so make sure they do it in the correct way.

Responsive Support

This is a lifetime investment. You will go through times when the panel will malfunction, the wires get disconnected, and the battery needs replacement. Your service provider will help you through with all this. The choice of the best panel system will ensure good service.

Great Savings in Electricity Bill

There is bound to be a drastic cut in the electricity bill. This could be as much as 60% to 80% depending on how many panels you decide to install. You must have enough space on top of your house to install the panels.

It is only reasonable to choose a service provider to install the panels and solar power systems in the house if they give cheap solutions. They must also be responsive to any difficulties the customer encounters. Moving to solar energy is a good decision especially in places where there are frequent power outages.