Solar Panels

6 Things to Consider Before Installing Solar Panels

The use of solar power to augment your energy store is wise. Solar power technology has improved a lot over the past couple of decades. Installing Solar panels is renewable, non-polluting, and limitless. Before you put up your panels, it will do you good to do some planning. Here are six of the most important considerations to help you when you install your solar panels.

#1 Installation on the Roof

The first thing to think about is whether your roof needs any repair. If it is an old roof, it might need some kind of repair. Check the warranty to keep expenses down. You might take a warranty on the panels. The panels last for twenty years or more. So, it will be good if the warranty on the roof were also that long but only if the roof is in good shape. The other things to consider are the space there is on the roof and the way the orientation of the roof.

#2 Weight Considerations

Can the roof stand the weight of the panels? If your house is an RCC structure, you don’t have to worry. Otherwise, you will have to consider putting up some shoring to support the extra weight. Get a professional to do an evaluation of how much weight your roof will bear.

#3 Slope of the Roof

Does your roof catch the sun’s full face? Or, is it angled so it only catches a part of the sun’s direct rays? This will matter in determining the efficiency of the Installing solar panels.

Face the Sun

If you get the panels to face the sun you have the best orientation for your solar power. You can do this by providing props for the panels.

The Flow of the Water

The other consideration for the panels is the weather. Rain can affect the performance especially if the water gets logged. Make sure the water flows off the roof and does not affect the panels.

# 4 Warranties and Insurances

Check the types of warranties and incentives before you order and place your panels. Warranties exist for equipment and installation apart from that for the solar panels. The incentives are available in a few states but you will need warranties for them. Solar panel warranties are for 25-30 years.

Installation warranties last from 2 – 30 years. It covers things like labor, parts, and repair. Inverter warranty varies from company to company. It pays to take insurance if there is no warranty for your panel.

#5 Check for Battery

A battery bank is necessary for your solar panel to store the energy. You use this energy during the power outage. Check how much power you will need with the panel supplier. Get batteries that will supply this much amount of power. You will charge the batteries during the day using the sun’s rays.

#6 Thermal or Photovoltaic

You can use solar power as thermal energy to heat water. Else, you can use photovoltaic panels to produce electric power. Monocrystalline and polycrystalline silicon are the two types of photovoltaic power panels available. Monocrystalline silicon panels are more efficient.

Solar panels are the future of power use. It pays to invest in an expensive solar system as this ensures quality and longer life.