Solar Inverters

5 Tips To Choose The Best Solar Power Inverter For Home

solar power inverter

A solar inverter is a useful equipment to have at home. It takes in power from the solar panels installed on your roof and converts it into AC power that can be used for household electricity needs. The solar inverter is a piece of complex equipment and is likely to face problems as you keep using it. This is why you need to ensure that you get the best solar power inverter for your home.

The following are five tips to help you:

  1. Make sure the inverter is manufactured as per the Australian standard AS 4777. The inverter should be approved by the Clean Energy Council. This is very important and is one of the first things to consider while buying a solar inverter.
  2. You need to decide the type of inverter. The most common type is the string inverter and is the ideal type for a home. In case you have a lot of shade over your solar panels, you can consider a micro inverter. If you need to connect a storage battery to the system, you can consider a hybrid inverter.
  3. The size of the inverter in Kilowatts needs to be decided next. This depends on the capacity of the solar panels that you have. Its maximum output capacity should be at least 75% of the capacity of the array. This is a standard norm to keep in mind.
  4. Choose the brand of the inverter carefully. If you buy a branded inverter that has a good reputation in the market, you are assured of having a quality inverter. You may need to pay a bit more for the top brands, but you can be assured of a trouble-free performance.
  5. Inverters should last for 5 to 10 years. All inverters would offer a warranty of five years. You should ideally look for an inverter with a warranty of 10 years. If this is not offered, you need to look for an extended warranty to cover the full term. Negotiate the price and then get a warranty for 10 years so that you can be assured that any problem in your inverter would be fixed promptly.

You can refer to the tips given above when you are planning to buy a solar power inverter. The tips will ensure you get the best quality device for your home that gives you years of good service.


4 Financial Benefits of Investing in Solar Energy Brisbane

Solar energy is a renewable form of energy that taps into the energy from the sun to create electrical power. If you stay in an area with adequate sunlight and have space on your terrace, you can install a solar energy plant with solar panels and an inverter. This will help you generate power for your home use, which is not just sustainable and eco-friendly but also offers financial benefits.

Here are four financial benefits of investing in solar energy Brisbane:

1) Saves your energy bills

The cost of electric power is increasing every year. Electric power bills are a major expense for homes and increases with the use of appliances like air conditioners. Installing a solar energy system will help you generate your own electricity. This means you don’t use the power from the grid and hence will not be billed. You can expect major savings when you use solar energy Queensland.

2) It is cost effective

Installing a solar energy system is a one-time expense. The expenses involved would be offset by the savings on your energy bills year after year. Most of the solar panels and inverters have a long life span and does not require too much maintenance. Solar panels have a life span of more than 30 years. This makes it a highly cost-effective solution for your energy needs.

3) Earn from the grid

If you generate more power than you need, then you can transfer the power back to the electric grid. This benefits the electrical utility company and they would pay you for every unit of electric power added to the grid. If you are living in an area with more than sufficient sunlight, then you can generate extra power, sell it back to the grid, and earn from it.

4) You can get incentives

Governments across the world promote the use of solar power, since it is sustainable and renewable. You can get incentives from the local as well as the federal government by installing solar panels. The incentives given depend on different factors like where you stay and the type and size of system installed. If you install a CEC accredited system, you can get a rebate of anywhere from $2,500 to $3,300.

The above benefits clearly illustrate why it is financially beneficial to use solar energy. The financial benefits offered will help you save a lot of money.


6 Benefits of Solar Batteries for Your Home

We cannot imagine life with electric power. Electricity is generated from coal, hydel, or nuclear which are non-renewable sources of energy and would run out one day. Solar power is one of the best sources of energy that is renewable and can be harnessed easily. Homeowners can install a solar panel on the roof of their home and use a battery to power their home. It is the best way to reduce electricity bills and ensure an environment-friendly way of powering your home.

There are multiple benefits of using solar batteries for your home. The following are six key benefits of getting solar batteries for your home:

  1. Store energy from the sun

Solar panels can help capture heat generated from the sun and convert it to solar power. The problem is on cloudy days, the light may not be sufficient to generate power. In such a situation, solar batteries can store energy generated from the sun. This stored energy can be used later, making it beneficial to tap into solar power system on those days when the sun light is lesser.

  • Ensures energy security

A solar battery ensures that a home can experience energy security. They can be assured of continuous supply of electricity generated from the sun. This is particularly useful in far off and rural areas, where the electricity grid is not stable and there are changes of power outages.

  • Reduces Electricity bill

Energy bills are increasing every year. The more the power spent, the more is the bill. Using solar power involves making a one-time investment on solar panels and a system with batteries. This allows you to run an entire home using solar power, without depending on the grid. This allows a home to drastically reduce their electricity bill. This represents huge savings for a family.

  • Allows sale of surplus power generated

If your home is in a sunny area, where you get plenty of sunlight, then the solar energy generated will be more than what you need for your home. In such a case, there is a provision to sell the excess power generated back to the electricity grid. This will allow you to earn some money from generating power.

  • It is eco-friendly

Using solar power through solar batteries is eco-friendly. You are using a power source that is renewable and will never exhaust. You can reduce the carbon footprint of your home, go green, and play a role in reducing pollution.

  • It is noiseless

If you use a generator to power your home in the absence of grid electricity, then the noise from the generator causes noise pollution. Solar batteries run silently and do not make any noise, making it a friendly solution for power generation for a quiet neighborhood.

The above benefits clearly illustrate how helpful solar batteries are. You can easily get a solar system with panels and a battery installed in your home. It will help you get all the benefits listed in this article.


Best Ways to Cut Your Energy Costs using a Solar Panel

A solar panel allows you to harness the energy from the sun and convert it to an electric current to power your house. You can save a lot of money by cutting down on energy costs by paying lower energy bills each month if you have a solar panel. The costs of electricity are zooming every year and will worsen as non-renewable energy sources run out.

  • You can enjoy huge savings in your power bill by switching over to solar power. All you need is a solar panels on your roof and an inverter to supply power to your home.
  • You can balance the power you get from your electricity grid and solar power to save money.
  • All you need to do is invest in a good quality solar panels system and inverter. Go with a well-known brand and check feedback from other customers. Once your solar panels is installed, make sure you use it effectively.
  • Using too many appliances may result in you drawing power from the grid, so balance your power needs.
  • Also, invest in energy-saving appliances to save power. There is no doubt that using a solar panel can help you drastically cut energy costs.
Solar Panels

6 Things to Consider Before Installing Solar Panels

The use of solar power to augment your energy store is wise. Solar power technology has improved a lot over the past couple of decades. Installing Solar panels is renewable, non-polluting, and limitless. Before you put up your panels, it will do you good to do some planning. Here are six of the most important considerations to help you when you install your solar panels.

#1 Installation on the Roof

The first thing to think about is whether your roof needs any repair. If it is an old roof, it might need some kind of repair. Check the warranty to keep expenses down. You might take a warranty on the panels. The panels last for twenty years or more. So, it will be good if the warranty on the roof were also that long but only if the roof is in good shape. The other things to consider are the space there is on the roof and the way the orientation of the roof.

#2 Weight Considerations

Can the roof stand the weight of the panels? If your house is an RCC structure, you don’t have to worry. Otherwise, you will have to consider putting up some shoring to support the extra weight. Get a professional to do an evaluation of how much weight your roof will bear.

#3 Slope of the Roof

Does your roof catch the sun’s full face? Or, is it angled so it only catches a part of the sun’s direct rays? This will matter in determining the efficiency of the Installing solar panels.

Face the Sun

If you get the panels to face the sun you have the best orientation for your solar power. You can do this by providing props for the panels.

The Flow of the Water

The other consideration for the panels is the weather. Rain can affect the performance especially if the water gets logged. Make sure the water flows off the roof and does not affect the panels.

# 4 Warranties and Insurances

Check the types of warranties and incentives before you order and place your panels. Warranties exist for equipment and installation apart from that for the solar panels. The incentives are available in a few states but you will need warranties for them. Solar panel warranties are for 25-30 years.

Installation warranties last from 2 – 30 years. It covers things like labor, parts, and repair. Inverter warranty varies from company to company. It pays to take insurance if there is no warranty for your panel.

#5 Check for Battery

A battery bank is necessary for your solar panel to store the energy. You use this energy during the power outage. Check how much power you will need with the panel supplier. Get batteries that will supply this much amount of power. You will charge the batteries during the day using the sun’s rays.

#6 Thermal or Photovoltaic

You can use solar power as thermal energy to heat water. Else, you can use photovoltaic panels to produce electric power. Monocrystalline and polycrystalline silicon are the two types of photovoltaic power panels available. Monocrystalline silicon panels are more efficient.

Solar panels are the future of power use. It pays to invest in an expensive solar system as this ensures quality and longer life.

Solar Panels

How to Find the Best Solar Inverter for Your Solar Power System?

When you buy a solar power system, you need the best inverter. It is important to find the best solar inverter so that you can get reliable power supply from your system. The inverters are the component of the solar system most likely to fail and hence getting the best device is essential. The following explains how you can do this:

  1. The inverter must be approved by the Clean Energy Council and must comply with the requirements of AS 4777.
  2. Look for a branded inverter. The reputation of the brand can ensure quality. You can also expect better service from reputed brands. Alternately, look for a local product that has good feedback from clients. You can check out client feedback online or through word of mouth recommendations.
  3. Warranty is important since it ensures any failure will be rectified immediately. Warranties must be for a minimum of five years. If you get a 10-year warranty, that is ideal!
  4. Check out if the inverter has a good quality display panel. The panel must display all key parameters related to energy production and consumption.
  5. Some inverters offer Wi-Fi or Bluetooth connectivity. This would be helpful in monitoring the functioning of the inverter. This is a good feature to look for; as it helps you keep track of the working of your solar power system.
  6. There are different types of inverters. Choose the product based on your needs and the type of solar panels you have.
  7. The inverter size in kilowatts depends on the solar panels you have and your needs. Keep this factor in mind while choosing the inverter. It ideally must be 75% of the solar panel capacity.
  8. Lastly, check out the price. You need to do some homework to understand market trends, so that you don’t pay too much. Never choose the cheapest product available, as you could end up with problems later.

The above guidelines can be followed when you buy an inverter, so you are assured of getting the best product for your solar power system.

Solar Panels

How will solar energy be used 20 years from now?

Solar energy has an extremely bright future starting from now to 20 years later.

Why because the sun emits high amounts of enough energy to satisfy the needs of the entire living species on earth.

Solar energy is the most attractive source of energy as they are the most abundant and also importantly renewable source of energy.

Solar energy systems provide numerous benefits to the planet like each installation of a solar panel system decreases the equivalent amount to fossil fuels used to generate that amount of electricity as this will also contribute in the sustainable development agenda imposed by world organizations due to the effects of drastic climatic changes. Solar panels also contribute to global warming as they decrease the number of pollutants released due to the usage of exhaustible energy resources to provide electricity.

The resounding fact that home and utility plant solar systems are the wave of future as they provide electricity to our homes and business by use of PV cells and CSP systems.

The advancement of solar panels has caused it to get cheaper at the rate and after 20 years the panels will have definitely be cost-efficient till 2050, highly advisable to install your solar panel now.

Solar Panels

How to find Solar Panel Installation in Australia?

To purchase the best solar panel installations companies in Australia it is essential to go through the local ranking and reviews regarding the best solar panel manufacturers who offer the best service, long period of warranty, high efficiency, and low degradation of the panel over a lifetime.

It is also essential to look at the detailed number of Australian standards and legislative requirements that provide trained, accredited, and licensed solar plant installers. It is also advisable for roof holders facing to the street to avail council permission to install solar power across NSW.

Solar panels installed in Australia last over 25-30 years, a well-maintained panel produces good electricity for a longer period of time.

As a general rule, you should find a solar panel installation in Australia to find companies that offer right solar inverters and the size of the inverter should be equal to the DC rating of your solar panel.

Solar panel installation is worth it financially, as for the Australian citizens can install their solar systems and after 6 years they will benefit from energy on the roof and stream of income generated from energy sold back to the grid.

Solar Panels

How to Pick the Best Solar Inverter for Your Solar Panel System?

For any solar panel system, inverters always play a significant role in whether the system is residential with 2-KW or it’s a utility power plant with 5-MW.

The need for solar inverters arises as it provides a very important function of inverting electrical current to several other capabilities and services.

There are various types of solar inverters – microinverters,off-grid inverters, string inverters, and central inverters.

Solar inverters provide maximum performance as they give high energy production and offer durability to the installed solar panels.

The factors that are to be considered while purchasing a solar inverter for its maximized performance is the following:

  •  Continuous ongoing data monitoring system
  •  Preventive maintenance system
  •  Efficient operations and maintenance services.
  •  Agile mean time to repair.
  • A good warranty period.

Furthermore, every solar inverter should have the capabilities to provide extra tools and services like advanced utility control and applications, well-designed user efficient structures, and a host to provide services to address any service issues.

As these are essential for buyers to make optimal production from their investment in solar panel systems with solar inverters. Solar inverters are essential to have the most productive and efficient solar system or solar power plant therefore, it’s a necessity to choose the best solar inverter.


How to maintain Residential Solar System

Today’s solar technology is so advanced that it is difficult to find a reason not to invest in it for your own home. According to the clean energy council, Australian homes with rooftop solar tops over 2 million installs. The electricity generated can lead to a significant reduction in electricity costs.

Solar panels are usually very durable and do not require much maintenance, so their management is relatively simple. But solar panels can lose 15-25% of their efficiency if not cleaned properly. Here is a guide on how to maintain a residential solar system.

Prepare tools:

  1. Soap. (Standard detergent works. Any soap that doesn’t leave a residue)
  2. Scrubbing brush (preferably with a long handle or extendable handle)
  3. Hose with a sprayer
  4. Window wiper or a microfiber cloth

First, you need to decide if your solar panels need cleaning. It might be time to clean solar panels if you find them covered with dirt. Before cleaning, check with the manufacturer to determine if there is an individual instruction to cleaning the panels.

Second, remove large debris if you find any on the solar panels. You can use a brush to remove them. Dip a scrub brush into the soapy water and start gently scrubbing the solar panels. Please note not to scrub too hard on the surface because it can leave micro-scratches on the surface of the solar panels.

Third, rinse off soapy water on the solar panels with a hose. It is essential to use a sprayer hose and not a pressure hose. High pressure can cause damage to the solar panels. Once all soapy water is removed, dry the solar panels with a window wiper or a microfiber cloth.

Finally, make sure the solar panels are dried thoroughly, and there is no residue left. The reason is that residue can create a thin film that blocks sunlight entering solar panels. So it is essential to ensure there is no residue.

You can check the result of the cleaning by monitoring the energy output of the solar panel. You should see an increase in energy output. If there is no increase in energy output, there might be some residual left on the solar panel. You can monitor the energy output for when it’s time to clean again next.

Now that you know how to clean your solar system and how it works, your solar panelscan produce electricity at the highest level.

Sky solar energy is a solar company dedicated to the distribution and care of individuals and companies with solar panels. If you are interested in getting a solar panel installation, please feel free to give us a call at 1300 365 699or email us at

Our team is happy to answer any questions you have.